Project: Sant Gregori School. Remodelling and extension.
Site: Carles Riba St., Barcelona
Promotor Sant Gregori Foundation
Project Date: Sep 2007 – July 2008
Construction: May 2009 – December 2010
Consultants: Bis arquitectes (structures), AJ Enginyers (instalations),
Jordi Carbonell (budget), ADS (energy certif.), STATIC (road project).
Collaborators: Marta Velez, Gonzalo Cantos, Irene Gil, Carlos Carnicer,
Gaietà Mestieri Narcís Font.
Photograph Jose Hevia.
Constructor ACME
Area 2.855 m2 schools
1.007 m2 parking
3.862 m2 TOTAL
Budget: 6.629.438 €
-Qualificación energetica “A”
-Finalista Premio Endesa BMP’09-Bcn Meeting Point
-Finalista V Premio de Arq Ascensores Enor 2011
-Seleccionado premios FAD 2011
-School Architecture, Ifengspace China, p. 174-185, 2012
-School Architecture, Phoenix p. 174-185, 2012 + portada
-Broto, Carles, Escuelas: innovación y diseño, pp. 80-89, Linksbooks 2014
-Tectonica 37, pp. 62-83
-AV monografias 152, La escuela global, p. 74-79, 2011
-Promateriales n. 44, mayo 2011, p. 32 a 36.
-Catálogo V Premio Enor, Ed. Carlos Quintans, p. 177-184, Vigo 2011
-L’Informatiu n. 333,p. 28 set 2012
-Quaderns 264, 2012, p. 36
Video -
(Spot Mini Quesitos Babybel (May13)
The comission focussed on the reform, improvement and extension of the existing facilites from 1972. The extention will include, an underground parking, 6 kindergarden classrooms, 6 additional primary level classrooms and a new elementary school of music with its 300 seats auditorium which will also be a gymnasium for the entire school.
The urban parameters were as follow: Compulsory setback on Carles Riba Street, single intervention not to be fragmented, minimum footprint on the natural reminder of the plot, upper portion of the hillside protected
We also added our own parameter that the intervention should be of minimum appearance occupying holes, emptying and filling landfills, sustituing terraced landfills with program creating polivalent spaces and using the resulting rooftops as playgrounds.
The building was rated A-level energywise. All the southern exposure of the classrooms is protected by overhangs and/or a brise-soleil of pine-wood sections. In a similar fashion, the basketball court is wrapped in a galvanized Rivisa steel mesh that will allow vegetation to climb and create an appropriate shadow for the playground.